Thursday, December 16, 2010

White Flame Blog Stop!

hey hey all! well here it is! The Leo's Den stop on the White Flame Blog Tour! Remember, you must comment on this post and follow the blog as well as (both) on Jordan's blog in order to be entered into the contest! Her blog is in case you didnt know.

Also in this post we have a short little interview with Jordan! My bf and I came up with these questions for her to answer, so enjoy our lovely Lady Jordan!

1. Where did you do your research on the witchcraft stuff in your books??

     First, thank you so much for hosting the 'White Flame Tour' for Half Moon! As to witchcraft, my interest started when I was young; when I was in high school I went through a gothic phase and bought all kinds of books from my local holistic store. I never got rid of them, so I turned back to those when it came to writing 'Half Moon'.

2. What made you want to write about wolves?
    I've always wanted to right a shifter book- but it didn't feel right to make the book about different types of creatures. Once I started writing the werewolves- they basically took over my mind. So, it just happened.

3. How do you start your writing process?
    Oooh good question. Normally, it's as simple as just starting with a scene. I start thinking of a situation and the people that would be involved and then it goes from there. But, usually, it starts with a scenario.

4. When is your next signing??

    With the release of 'Half Moon' less than thirty days away, signings will be starting again in February.

5. What inspires you to write?

    LIFE. Every person in life encourages me to write.

I want to thank Jordan SO much for choosing the Leo's Den as a stop on her tour! In case you don't know who is next, I have posted the calender just below for you to reference.

1) Reading Teen - 12/10

2) TotalBookAHolic - 12/13

3) The Leo's Den - 12/16

Next Stop!4) Bibliophilicbookblog - 12/19

5) A Simple Love of Reading - 12/22

6) Narratively Speaking - 12/27

7) The Book Sophisticate - 12/30

8) A Great Read - 1/2

8) A Tale of Many Reviews- 1/5

9) Murphy's Library - 1/8

10) Mundie Mom's 1/11

Thank you for visiting the Leo's Den, and goodluck!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Half Moon Review!!! And Blog Tour Info

Okay okay, I know I'm awful, horrible, etc etc. Sadly the real world is a pain. However I DID garner up enough time to read Jordan Deen's Half Moon, the sequal to her awesome and amazing The Crescent. The Leo's Den will be participating in a Blog Tour mid-december, so those of you giving up on me, stick around! I'll do my best to get everything going again, I promise. 

Half Moon


WARNING fangirlhishness may peek out during this Revew!

I gotta say, Jordan really outdid herself this time. Half Moon is the PERFECT sequel to The Crescent. It has the perfect amount of EVERYTHING, including a twist that I, as a diviner when it comes to story plotlines, did not see coming. I can't wait for this to come out so that I can get a hard copy of it. 

If you happened to not like The Crescent for some reason, pick up Half Moon and give it a shot. It is WORTH it, I promise you!

The Leo's Den Rates this
Five Paws


Now onto some other stuff, like say the information for the Official Half Moon Blog Tour!!!

There are a total of 11 blogs total in the tour. Mostly, it works out to a new interview and posting every 3 days. There will be no posting on Christmas and none on New Year's Eve.

Included in these posts will be of course, the interview, and a section of Half Moon. It will work JUST like the last blog tour held here by Jordan. She will be posting the Calender that shows which blog is posting on which dates on her blog . I too will be posting this calender, but only once it gets to be the day it starts. 

Now that you have the skinny on the upcoming events, I implore you to stick around. I'll get goin again as soon as I get my mess straightened in the real world. 

Have a great day!

~The Desert Lioness 


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Super Sunday

Hey hey,

Yes I know I'm not always up and about. I just got over a nasty bout of the flu. Today I'm going down to get my hair cut and after that I get to dig up a tree stump. I'll get back into the swing, no worries. Will just take me a little bit. I have to get back to my reading thing.

I am actually reading The Vampire Files by P.N. Elrod. If you have never heard of this series, you should seriously look into it. Who wouldn't enjoy a vampire P.I.? Mobsters in Chicago included! So check it out, HIGHLY recommended!

Also, you should check out Word For Teens- she has an AMAZING Halloween book event going on!

If you all haven't heard, I have a new baby in the house! den at least lol. Its a baby cornsnake! He is named after the BEST character in the Harry Potter series! Severus. Severus Snake. He's SUCH a cutie! Pictures are upon request, as not everybody enjoys these slithery friends. Anyways, I'm off to dig up that stump!

Thanks for dropping by, next time I'll have a nice morsel for you to chew on! Til next time!

~The Desert Lioness

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Amusing Video Sunday

Hey hey all,
I was surfin' around on the interwebz yesterday when I came across some HILARIOUS videos! I just thought I would share them here with you.

You ALL remember the Oregon Trail right? Game of EPIC proportions where you died a million times before you EVER reached your destination! Well they made a movie trailer out of it,

This one is a vid that went viral online, and my uncle decided to put music to it to make it better. Its rather catchy now. Enjoy! XD

I hope you found those amusing, I know I did! I am currently in the process of reading the Vampire Files, An EXCELLENT book series by P.N. Elrod about a vampire P.I. in post prohibition era. Will get more info on that once I've finished!

Enjoy Amusing Video Sunday!

~The Desert Lioness

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hey hey everybody,

Yes I know I keep on disappearing, I'm really REALLY sorry! I got a new bf, as I believe I have mentioned and I am also doing a bunch of freelance work.

I did it! Yes I did! I finally convinced my parents to let me get a snake! I will be getting a baby cornsnake. His name shall be Severus. Severus Snake. I know its cheesy, but I like it!

Also, today I will be going once again to see the AMAZING Jordan Deen! She is an excellent person so you should try to get down and see her too. She will be at the Victoria Gardens in Ontario, CA (thats california folks, not canada)

Alright well I have made my visit, I will be posting bookish things again soon. Once I get done with all my artistic business!

~The Desert Lioness

Friday, September 10, 2010

The End

Well all, the Blog Tour/Scavenger hunt is officially over! I hope you all got your last minute completed puzzles put together and sent off to Jordan! Keep an eye on her site for winners!
Also Follow her on twitter (@Jordan_Deen) because she is AWESOME!
Thanks for stopping in and I hope you all had a great time!
~The Desert Lioness.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hey hey everybody! Today is the LAST DAY you can enter Jordan Deen's Half Moon Blog Tour/Scavenger Hunt! So get your rears in gear and gather those words!

Remember, there is an EXCELLENT prize pack up for grabs!

On a side note, I do freelance graphic design (thats advertisements, business cards, signs, etc etc...) And I DO COMMISSIONS! So if you've got something you'd like done, just drop me an email or a comment on this post, or whatever!

Hope you all have a great day!

~The Desert Lioness

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

News of the Day

Howdy hey all, how have things been for ya'll? I don't know about you but I just had a great 4-day weekend! I got my barn all nice and cleaned up so now I can move about it with ease.

Now I know in my Missing in Actionedness (new word, WOOT) that I have not updated my currently reading section, or have had any review or whatever...but Those will be back soon, I promise! I have three books that I am reading right now so there will be stuff on here!

The blog tour/scavanger hunt for Jordan Deen's Half Moon is STILL ON! It will continue for two more days so hop to your sentence making! There are GREAT prizes up for grabs!

Well that's all for today, ta!

~The Desert Lioness

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Howdy hey hey hey all! Today is the Day! Below you will find the rules of the game and the piece of the puzzle that you are to collect. Here is what you are running for:

Half Moon Swag (sorry, no ARC's yet!)
$25 B&N Gift Card
Jewelry Box
A USB Camera/Video recorder.

Now that I got you tempted here are the RULES of the Game:
* You must follow my blog and Jordan's.(its on my blog roll!)
* You must comment my blog and Jordan's.
* You must retrieve the one word from the 'Half Moon' post on the blog pages in the order of the words from the blogs.
* You must send Jordan an email at: with your name, email and the sentence made up from all the words you collect from the many blogs.

Here is the piece of the puzzle!

(this is the wonderfully awesome cover of Half Moon!)

“Yes, it is,” he yelled back.

Then I’m tackled.

And he’s tackled.

Nicole screamed… and then Dillon tackled her.

Michael, Lucas, Thomas, Matt, and Trevor all surrounded us. Emile and Ava, were on top of me. This was ludicrous.

“Get off me,” I yelled and pushed against the heavy weight pinning me to the hard ground; Emile and Ava didn’t seem to notice.

Michael soon realized there was no threat and started yelling at us. “What the hell do the two of you think you are doing? Why would you risk being out here by yourselves?”

“I just wanted to talk to her alone. We are never allowed to work things out, to talk about things.”

“If you had any bond at all, your touch would take her to Haventon so you could strengthen each other and talk. But since you’ve both failed to maintain any relationship since she’s been here, we have to look into other ways to get rid of the Mares. Obviously, she’s not willing to do what we need her to do. And you can’t force her. She’s not the one.”

Yes she is…” Brandon lowered his voice, no louder than a snarl, and stepped forward, challenging Michael. Matt and Trevor stopped him.

“She prefers you as a dog. A companion animal. She never loved you,” Michael huffed and lifted Emile off of me. His words were cruel and hateful. Emile knew it and grasped his hand to stop him, but being the Alpha male, he continued, “You will leave with us in the morning and whatever happens to her…,” He looked at me and wrinkled his nose, “Well, if she dies, she dies.” Lucas helped Ava off of the ground and I finally sat up and considered running away from them.

Alright now that we have that down, The next stop on this toHur from my page is SO GO THERE!

So there you have it! GO GO GO! The prizes are GREAT and the Books are even Better!!!

~The Desert Lioness

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One More Day!

Hey hey all this is just me reminding you that the Half Moon Blog tour will be starting TOMORROW! So gear up and get ready for GREAT prizes and loads of fun!

~The Desert Lioness

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hey everybody its me! PLEASE forgive me for my missing in action-ness. I have had a rough time getting back on my feet and all. But hey, I have some GREAT news!

The Leo's Den is going to be a part of Jordan Deen's BLOG GIVEAWAY and scavanger hunt! So be sure to STAY TUNED. I will post the rules below and then once again on the actual start date.

Here are the Rules:

* You must follow my blog and Jordan's.
* You must comment my blog and Jordan's.
* You must retrieve the one word from the 'Half Moon' post on the blog pages in the order of the words from the blogs.
* You must send Jordan an email at: with your name, email and the sentence made up from all the words you collect from the many blogs.

So, get ready! I will be posting again the day the hunt starts!

~The Desert Lioness

Monday, August 23, 2010

My MIA status

Hey hey all, sorry about my recent absenteeism. I have had some nasty stuff going down. I'm currently out of a BF, and I has nothing really to do. I do but I don't. My artistic muse has not shown its face in a while, and my inspiration to read has dropped to a very dangerous level. I shall do my best to pick myself back up off my feet, but no guarantees for a bit still.
I have also been job hunting. So I need luck on that as well.
On a side note, Jordan Deen, author of The Crescent and the upcoming Half Moon will be doing a signing at the Barnes and Noble at the Tyler Mall in Riverside, CA on September 25th. That's exciting things. Featured here will be a blog tour of the new book so stay tuned for that.
I hope everybody's ending summer goes great, and I wish all luck as the schooling once again begins!
~The Desert Lioness

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Wednesdays of Giveaways!

Hey hey again to all! If you didn't know yesterday was birthday #19 for me! *throws a one-man party* I hope you all had a better day than I did!

Now as you MAY have noticed, I have labeled to day the Wednesday of Giveaways. I think I like this plot and intend to keep it. I will be putting up a few contests that I have found today and hope that you enter them as well!

The Road to Publication Giveaway
~Here you can get an ARC of Paranormalcy by Kiersten White as well as some other goodies!

Dear Author
~At THIS giveaway you can win a MOCKINGJAY side bag!

~Now here is a contest that you have to WORK to get what you want (a $100 giftcard to!) You have to write about your WORST summer vacation and submit it to win.

IB Book Blogging
~Alrighty, here be another one to win books!!

Kimberly Pauley
~Cheer her up and win some stuff!

That's all for right now, check back for updates!

~The Desert Lioness

Monday, August 9, 2010

Unhappy Monday!

Howdy again all! The birthday countdown has landed on 1! Meaning my awesome (I wish) Bday will be happening tomorrow! At least we hope so. I have class tomorrow (big surprise).

Well something IS exciting about today, despite it being a monday morning; I have a HUGE contest to advertise! It is being put on by In Which a Girl Reads! SO head on over there and Enter to your heart's desire!

Just CLICK THIS LINK here and have at it!

Also, if you get a chance, check out the translator at and see how YOUR name is pronounced in parseltongue!

Well as usual, go ahead and check back for updates. I am still working on a special video and some other things to put up on here for fun, so keep an eye out!

~The Desert Lioness

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Daily Happenings

Hey hey all, good stuff has been going on like crazy! The countdown until my birthday has hit 5 now, will be 19 oh so soon!

Second, yesterday evening I had the honor of meeting with @alybee930 @frootjoos @DforDarla @sandyg02 and @kaitlyn_francis for a blogger meeting! We all had a GREAT time discussing blogs and books.

Today I am posting even MORE contests to enter! You should check them out, follow those blogs and have a BLAST winning things (maybe)


Get your Sabina Kane fix

Giveaway The Queen's Daughter

Win A Kindle

Giveaway: The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller

Signed Copy of Sisters Red

Cadswan Jewelry CONTEST!

Well that's all I really have for now, go ahead and check back for updates if you would like to, I will post those on my twitter as well! Follow away!

~The Desert Lioness

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Giveaways Giveaways Giveaways!

Align LeftHey hey everybody! Take a gander at these AMAZING contests/giveaways! Enter and follow to win lots of goodies!

First up, a contest from 21 Pages! Just go HERE to enter the amazing prizes shown below.

Second up is an AMAZING contest by Paperback Dolls. Click HERE for that one. Below is the GINORMOUS prizepack!

Third up for grabs is a SIGNED copy of LINGER by Maggie Stievfater!!! Go HERE to enter!

Fourth: A Battle of the Sexies giveaway featuring Jennifer Rardin! Go HERE! Prizes below

ANY THREE of the following SIGNED

Add Image

FIFTH is ANOTHER Linger giveaway by DforDarla! Go HERE to enter and win!

Sixth Contest is an Iron Daughter Giveaway! Go HERE to enter!
(Couldn't find pics for the prizes, but detail are at the site!)

for a MASTER list of giveaways

Thats all for now, but keep an eye out for any edits/additions to this post! Today is a day for contests!

Thanks for Visiting!!!

~The Desert Lioness

Monday, August 2, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Hello all, I know you missed me. I'm a bad bad person for staying away from you for a week. Oh well, I'm sure you all forgive me.

Last you heard I was at the Maggie Stievfater signing at the Borders Bookstore in Glendale, CA. THAT was an experience, I tell you. I'm still working on a video to put up in the Adventures at Booksignings section of the blog. Gotta say, she was FUNNY!
Also this week, we went to a birthday party for Harry Potter! That was excellent. I went as a Deatheater. That's right, the Lioness walks on the Dark side. Below are some pics from this particular event, and I will hope to have more from our very own @frootjoos(FOLLOW HER!) once she gets a hold of me with them.

And thus, Tonks and I a bookstore *cue dramatic music*

Please ignore the random muggle bystander as I valiantly go in for the kill.

And then...she struck, the muggle grinning as we hit each other with curses.

That was the end of the battle of Tonks and the Deatheater. Afterwards they hung out, exchanging emails and planning a few games of quidditch.
The End.

ALSO! I received good things in the mail this past week!

I got...TA-DA!

An ARC of Nightshade by Andrea Cremer1

So far it is EXCELLENT but I shall not disclose any more information! There will be a review soon! Oh so very VERY soon!

Also, I bought this!

Which is ALSO very excellent, expect a review out of that one.

If you haven't heard, I will be having a contest once I reach 100 followers, so followers comeforth! I have swag, lots and lots of swag. And who knows, maybe I will decide to put that Nightshade ARC up for grabs!

Soon I will be putting up a list of events that are to be attended! But for now, look out for some good stuff on August 4th where we will once again migrate to the Borders Bookstore in Glendale, CA for a totally awesome gathering of Bloggers from all over the place! I sure hope to see you there as well!

Hope you all have a great day, comment away, and from books let your mind not stray!


~The Desert Lioness

Monday, July 26, 2010

Here I Is!

Howdy all! Today is a very very VERY special edition of The Leo's Den Blog! I am currently blogging from Borders in Glendale, awaiting the arrival of the MOST esteemed Maggie Stiefvater!

Along with todays edition, there will be a video post in the Adventures at Book Signings section! It will have a written narration as well as a FUN video for you to take a peep at!

I am here to get my nook signed, and to deliver a very special cupcake to Maggie herself! Catch me live on Twitter ( @desertlioness ) I will be there the whole signing!
(Said special cupcake)

Hope to see you all (either on here or AT the signing!)

~The Desert Lioness

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm Baaaack~

Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb.
~Dark Helmet, Space Balls

Howdy all! Sorry it took so long for The Lioness to return to you, been here and there, and going back to there again today XD. The Lioness finally got a hold of her internet (after it being out on all the school computers!) and so now, this one may blog to her hearts desire!

If you haven't noticed, it is Third Person Thursday! whoo! The lioness knows this is a little late on the uptake, but there is still time!
Also you may notice that everything is slanted today...this is because blogger is having issues. So, now that we are on the same page it is off to the
Random Word of the Day!

1. A blain, sore, or inflammatory swelling of the feet or hands,
produced by exposure to cold, and attended by itching, pain,
and sometimes ulceration.

Today's Leo Horoscope:
Your incredible passion and
creativity are taking center stage, Leo. It's also quite possible that
there's a great restlessness within you egging you on to take things to
the next level. Combine your powers of dedication with your flair for
the dramatic to accomplish whatever it is your heart desires. You have

the power within you to shine especially bright on a day like today.


Currently Reading: ...

Writing Status: ...

Wow...this one doesn't have much to put on the blog today. Please forgive the Lioness of this. She is not in her right mind! Plus blogger is having some major issues...hopefully the lioness will have some fun stuff to put up next time.

Remember the contest! Once the Leo's Den reaches 100 followers there WILL be one! Keep this in mind!

~The Desert Lioness

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Vacation's Where I Wanna Be!

"I don't drink these days. I am allergic to alcohol and narcotics. I break out in handcuffs."

Well everybody, got some news to tell ya all, I'm going on a mini vacation! I leave this afternoon as soon as class is over and where I'm going is the land of no internet, so you won't be seeing any postings until at least sunday night (even then its a maybe)

Well this is a fine Wednesday, granted I'm tired as heck. According to my friend, I was sleeping on my back in the reclining chair with my arms and legs wrapped around a very nice sized pillow. I couldn't remember for the life of me where the heck I GOT that pillow to begin with! Now I know that our dearest Sandy from is the culprit! And now, on to the Random Word of the Day!

1. Having existence.
2. of or pertaining to, or having the character of,
3. (Logic) specifying actual existence, rather than only
possibility; as, the existential operator.

Today's Leo Horoscope:
The fantasy world that you've built
for yourself is a pleasure to behold, Leo. People frolic in your world
and have a grand time. Your presence delights people with pleasure.
Today, however, this world may be threatened by harsh realities coming
in the form of electronic information. This force is powerful and apt
to be quite erratic and spontaneous. Be prepared to stand your ground.

And now, to everyone's favorite; Stuff!

Currently Reading: Raised By Wolves By Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Writing Status:

Well folks, I know its not much, but this is all I have for the time being. I shall see you all DEFINATELY on monday if I don't get to a computer on sunday night. Have a great weekend I know I will!

~The Desert Lioness

PS: The contest will still go once I hit 100 followers! I have already been collecting swag for it! So join up!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

ARC Review of Virals Today!

"My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it." ~Abraham Lincoln

Howdy all! Forgive me for not posting yesterday, I had THE most singular worst headache ever. That and I just had nothing to talk about. SO I did a very bad thing and did not post. Now, TODAY, which is an absolutely Fantabulous Tuesday, I have a review of Virals, by Kathy Reichs. If you watch the TV show BONES, then you should know who this mastermind is! Alrighty, now that I got my excuse making out of the way, it is time for the magical Random Word of the Day!

1. The quality or state of being infinite, or without limits;
2. Infinite extent; unlimited space; immensity; infinity.
3. Boundless number; countless multitude.

Today's Leo Horoscope:
A party or meeting of some kind could occur nearby, Leo. You might decide to go. You could feel like you have one foot in this world and one in another. The floodgates of intense communication could open between you and a close friend or love partner. A tight spiritual bond exists between you, and you'll really feel the effects of it now. It will almost be like you can read each other's minds!

And now the Stuff you have all been waiting for!

Currently Reading: Raised by Wolves By: Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Writing Status: I should just give this up...

Alright! Now we are off to the awesome Reviews! Like I mentioned above, today's review is on Virals; Please enjoy!

Review: Virals by Kathy Reichs

Tory Brennan, niece of acclaimed forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan (of the Bones novels and hit TV show), is the leader of a ragtag band of teenage "sci-philes" who live on a secluded island off the coast of South Carolina. When the group rescues a dog caged for medical testing on a nearby island, they are exposed to an experimental strain of canine parvovirus that changes their lives forever.

As the friends discover their heightened senses and animal-quick reflexes, they must combine their scientific curiosity with their newfound physical gifts to solve a cold-case murder that has suddenly become very hot--if they can stay alive long enough to catch the killer's scent.

Fortunately, they are now more than friends; they're a pack. They are Virals.


I can honestly say that at first I was a little iffy on this one. But it ended up that the story developed VERY well. It kept my interest for about 7 hours straight. I just HAD to finish it! Its full of great information, interesting characters, and a plot line that will keep you guessing up until the end!

Five Paws for Virals!

Well that's all for today folks! Please follow, have your friends follow, and enjoy the Leo's Den!

~The Desert Lioness

PS: Don't forget! Only 90 more followers until my 100 follower contest!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Reviews x3?!?! I must be nuts!

"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun"
~Katherine Hepburn

Welcome to this week's Super Sunday!

Well all, technically the week ended and is beginning again today! I have a shocker, as you can tell from the title; I have not one, not two, but THREE Reviews today! Oh yes, two more Magnus Pack books by Shelly Laurentston, and then the absolutely fantabulously amazing The Crescent by Jordan Deen! So read on, and get to the reviews by suffering through the Random Word of the Day!

1. Boastful talk
2. A person who boasts
Today's Leo Horoscope:
Unfortunately, this is not a day for fun and games, Leo. In fact, you might feel an annoying emotional weightiness, making you feel less energetic than usual. There's a sober tone that's asking you to take a hard-nosed look at reality and make some decisions regarding goals and plans. You could feel like the timer buzzer is about to go off. The minute the hand is ticking away and there are many more adventures in store.
And now, the inevitable Stuff!

Currently Reading: not sure yet

Writing Status: I should really blow this part off for a while. XD
Alrighty, I think you have all suffered enough. I shall now post my reviews, saving the best for last of course! It will go in THIS order: Go Fetch (Magnus Pack #2), Here Kitty Kitty (Magnus Pack #3), The Crescent. Any questions? Good! Lets get this shindig on!!!

Review #1
Go Fetch by: Shelly Laurenston

Miki; Smart ass, Loud Mouth, Midget, Sharpshooter, and Psycho Scientist. She is on her way to everything she ever wanted. Or is she?
Meet Conall; snarky, evil teddy bear, Viking, and werewolf. Everything that Miki wants nothing to do with. But he wants everything to do with her.
Will Miki be able to resist his primal charm? Or will the Viking plunder his little maniac?

Shelly Laurenston really nails the psycho with her characters, as well as the sexy. You can just see each one doing their thing. Absolutely amazing, FRIGGIN hilarious, and oh so sexy. Gotta love the shifters, this whole business is one amazing piece of work.
Five Paws to Go Fetch

Review #2
Here Kitty Kitty By: Shelly Laurenston


Nikolai Vorislav likes his single life just as it is. Simple, relaxing, and quiet. What he doesn't need is some foul-mouthed Texas hellcat living in his house, eating his food, flirting with his idiot brothers, and shooting holes in his home with his granddaddy's gun. But those long legs, dark eyes, and lethal tongue are making Nik insane and he fears he may be caught in the sexiest animal trap ever. Angelina Santiago doesn't know how she got from Texas to North Carolina in a night or how she ended up in some hillbilly tiger's house wearing only a sheet. What she does know is that she doesn't like good ol' boys with slow, sexy drawls who can't seem to stop rubbing up against her. Yet in order to protect her firends, Angie has to stay with a cat who seems hell-bent on finding all sorts of delicious ways to make her purr.


This chick is seriously a GENIOUS! This awesome end to the trilogy is just the ICING on the cake. Hilariously funny/sexy in all the right ways! She has all the right punch lines, and all the right men throwing punches. I just can't get over how great this series is, and how jealous I am that these shifters exist only in the world of the heroines.

As with the other two, I give this book 5 paws!

Review #3

The Crescent By: Jordan Deen

Becoming a werewolf is not an option for seventeen-year-old Lacey Quinn, but death can be a strong motivator.
Lacey is so focused on her future that everyday life has passed her by. Counting down the days to her eighteenth birthday, Lacey is almost home free. But when she falls for the mysterious Alex Morris, she lands in the middle of an ancient war between two enemy wolf packs. Tempting dreams, tantalizing lies and a dangerous love triangle ensues leaving Lacey heartbroken and confused.
Lacey's fate rests in the hands of Alex and Brandon, but both are pulling her strings for their own agendas. Even as she slips further into the dark world of werewolves, Lacey struggles to find the truth and save the only family she's ever known.
Jordan Deen works magic in this modern world of werewolves! The main character's obvious struggle is so human, that you can connect on the same level. Love is tough, but only if you make it that way.
Lacey will find this out soon enough. Can't WAIT for the next one, there will DEFINATELY be a review of it up, and just so you all know
Five Paws, bar none.
Well there you have it folks! I told you I'm nuts. ^^ Have a GREAT rest of the day, and look forward to my posting tomorrow!
~The Desert Lioness
PS: Don't forget! 100 Followers = Contest!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


"Its kind of fun to do the impossible."

~Walt Disney

Howdy all and welcome to Special Saturday! (temporary name XD) I know I'm a bit slow in posting today, but that's just because I'm a lazy git. Today I have some EXCITEMENT! I finally received The Crescent by Jordan Deen and 5 signed book marks! There will definately be a review coming up soon for that one! Thanks a bunch to Jordan, check out her stuff!

Now, off to the daily ritual!

The magical Word of the Day iiiis!

1. Yesterday evening.

Today's Leo Horoscope:
You may come across strong opposition today from someone who seems to want to cut straight through to your heart, leo. In reality this is a message reminding you to think about things in terms of the collective - the oneness of us all. Be aware of a greater perspective in which you see more than just your side of the issue. Talk to people you trust before making any major decisions.

Now, once again we are off to the realm of Stuff!

Currently Reading: The Crescent By: Jordan Deen

Writing Status: ...eheh...well...*quickly wipes dust off the notebook*...

ooooh! Today we have ourselves a Book Review!!!

Pack Challenge (Magnus Pack #1)
By: Shelly Laurenston


What's an Alpha Male to do when he meets the Alpha Female of his dream? Step one, hide all sharp objects. All Zach Sheridan ever wanted was to become Alpha Male of his Pack and be left alone. What he definitely didn't need in his life was some needy female demanding his attention. What he never saw coming was the vicious, sacrred female who not only demanded his attention but knew exactly how to get it. Sara Morrighan knew his was the best she could expect from her life. Good friends. A nice place to live. Anda a safe job. But when Zach rode into her small Texas town with his motorcycle club, Sara knew she wanted more. She knew she wanted him. But after one sexy encounter with her dream biker, everhthing is starting to change. Her body. Her strength. That new thing she's doing with the snarling. Even her best friends are starting to wonder what's going on with her. But this is only the beginning. Sara's about to find out her life was meant for so much more. And Zach's about to find true love with the one woman who makes him absolutely insane.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, and strong violence.


First thing out of my mouth; Wow. Great, fast paced story that hits in ALL the right places! Its funny, sexy, and above all else, entertaining. Everything you can wish to find in this genre. PLUS the really hot guys.

The characters have depth, and EXCELLENT senses of humore. The paranormalness of the shifters and everything are just flat out great. Five paws for this book!

Well that's all for now! Have an excellent day! And remember, Once I hit 100 followers I will be having a contest!

~The Desert Lioness

Friday, July 9, 2010

What a Fantastic Feedback Friday!

"If it's not fun, you aren't doing it right."
~Bob Basso
Well everybody, the week is coming to a close starting with this loverly Feedback Friday! This means that YOU can comment me with things you either LIKE or DISLIKE about this blog, send me ideas of what you would like to see, and anything else that's on your mind!
There won't be any review today, I never got around to reading much yesterday. Currently I am working on a Harry Potter music video! Really its the first ever for me, but hopefull it will turn out alright.
Third Person Thursday was a decent success. My friends got their dad to join in the fun!
There are new tabs in the Leo's Den! Now you will be able to read about some Adventures in Book Signing Land, take a peek at some art that will be being put up soon, and a tab for any contests that will, and I repeat WILL be held.
There is a high chance that I will be having a contest once I reach 100 followers, so keep that in mind! So on that note, its time for the Random Word of the Day:
1. A lover of good food
2. A gluttonous eater.
Today's Leo Horoscope:
You are at a dramatic climax in your monthly emotional cycle, leo. It's possible that you will erupt like a volcano. Don't be ashamed of releasing these emotions. Your feminine and masculine natures are quite connected and they're working harmoniously in order to express themselves to the fullest. Open the gates of communication and let the stampede charge through.
Now once again, we are of to Stuff:
Currently Reading: Pack Challenge by Shelly Laurenston
Writing Status: nonexistant.
That is all I have for today. Remember to leave your feedback so I can make my site more enjoyable to you! Happy Feedback Friday all!
~The Desert Lioness